I've been doing okay. Not too much is different. Gus is still out of town. :( That keeps my life fairly boring. But the puppy helps to keep things interesting. She's doing great. She's such a puppy, running around and chewing on things. She's a real sweetheart. But the other dog's are still not getting along with her or accepting her.
Physical therapy has become a bit more physical. Yesterday, it wore me out so much that I slept the rest of the day.
The visit with the endocrinologist was miserable. He doesn't believe my level of bone density is low enough to be treated. That would be okay with me, if he can convince Dr. B that it doesn't need to be treated. Otherwise, I suppose Dr. B will convince him to treat me anyways. Basically, based on my numbers, I am on the lower side of normal for my age. So it doesn't seem like it would need to be treated. That would be one less medication for me. So I wouldn't mind. However, I suppose Dr. B is not likely to change his mind. He knows what he wants.
I'm looking forward to my first massage therapy session on Monday. That should be very helpful.