Things had finally calmed down a bit around here. Then, yesterday, we welcomed Buttons into our home. I don't think she's very happy about it. Buttons is 8 years old and has lived with our family that whole time, in the same house. She's also never been an "only" dog. So being in a new place is very stressful for her. We had a rough first night. We'll hope things get easier for her.
So far, today has been a real sick day for me. As Gus pointed out, if today were a work day, I'd be missing work. I'm still in my pajamas, and haven't managed to take my shower yet. Hopefully, the day will get better. I've been nauseated, weak, unsteady on my feet, and very tired. I woke up and 10, then took a nap from 11 to 1. That's very unusual for me. Hopefully, resting for the first half of the day will make the second half a bit easier. So, I will go make my next attempt at taking a shower.