Sunday: We had visitors to our apartment during the day. It was really fun! I saw my friend Heather. We had a great time catching up, and she brought me books to borrow! Then we had Julie and Claire over for dinner. Gus cooked. I actually stayed awake all day.
I've been paying for it since then. Sunday night, I did not sleep well at all. Monday, during the day, I slept most of the time. I accomplished essentially nothing.
Monday night, I had a lot of trouble sleeping again during the overnight hours. So, I couldn't get out of bed until noon today. And I'm still tired now, and I haven't been able to get up. But I'm off to the bath to get ready for work, no matter how hard it is.
I did get an appointment scheduled with Dr. Wilkin, a neurologist in a group called "Integrative Pain Medicine". Hopefully he'll have something new to try.
I also contacted the hospital in New York, and they said that they are in the process of collecting my surgical reports.
Lastly, I still need to consider a GI doctor, for my confusing digestive problems.
Off to the bath.